Why did we start Skill Cup?

Skill Cup
Nov 3, 2020


Covid made remote work a new standard seemingly overnight. Working professionals are overwhelmed with zoom calls, instant messages and emails even more than before. Despite the variety of digital tools available we still face isolation and lack of bonding with peers, mentorship and exchanges of knowledge with each other by the water-cooler.

Why did we decide to fill this gap?

Corporate learning tools are designed for professionals and mostly use a top-down approach for learning. Skill Сup takes a collaborative approach.

The Skill Сup Manifesto

1. Knowledge is meant to be shared

Learning is about collaborating and people sharing knowledge. Remote working can present barriers for teammates to easily share learning content with each other.

2. Zero-code Learning Content

Anybody should be capable of making professionally looking content without special technical or design skills.

3. No Distraction from Work

Learning is important but it shouldn’t be a distraction from our main work tasks. If learning is a distraction it will be procrastinated.

4. Bite-size is a Must

We all have a busy schedule. Learning should easily fit whether we have a 5 minute break between zoom calls or an hour on a treadmill.

5. Simplicity is a King

Nowadays learning platforms tend to expand functionality to the max. Learning is a cognitive process where the interface is a gatekeeper and should be as simple as possible.

Skill Cup is an online microlearning platform for companies. We help businesses to design engaging micro-courses in 10 minutes without any external help. You can lean more here.



Skill Cup

Skill Cup is an online microlearning platform for companies. We help businesses to design the engaging microcourses in 10 minutes without any external help.